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A. Have you analyzed / conducted the same activity before? If yes, in what subject?, if not, why?
yes I have but not in any subject.I did it only for personal purposes
B. What is your opinion about the analyzing vocabulary levels through
This website is very helpful, especially in writing to analyze the level of our vocabulary.
C. What do you think about your vocabulary levels after analyzing them through
After getting the result of my writing, I think that I’ve to learn more and more about writing to increase my ability.
D. In what course do you need to improve your writing and academic vocabulary?
writing and ESP...or Lesson about Common Grammar Errors
E. Are you familiar with the vocabulary levels given in
Not at all.
F. Have you learnt about those vocabulary levels?
No, I have not.
G. Is academic vocabulary important for you as a university student? if yes, what for?, if not, why?
Yes, since the students need to be familiar with the vocabulary that they will use everyday in academic world
H. Do you think that this analyzing activity is useful to support your learning, especially in writing?
Of course, it’s really useful.
I. In what course/learning material do you think should be suggested to improve your writing ability and high vocabulary level quality?
writing academic skills,,or common grammatical errors
J. Do you think that ICT/CALL/internet utilization is useful? Why? And in what manner?
Internet/CALL/Internet or whatever it called if the program or the software give us much information out there then it's gonna be what manner?in any manner as long as it is positive
K. What is your impressions and suggestions of CALL subjects and activities?
my impressions about was happened at the last activities that I did with my friends that was "sharing Software" end it was fun and suggestion is I hope most activities that we are going to do is all about applying and setting the application not any other skills


L. What do you think about all your previous subjects and learning materials? Are they effective enough to support your vocabulary development? Explain your ‘yes’ or ‘no’ answer briefly!
that was effective enough for vocabulary development we just need the more practice so we will more understand about the vocabulary that we used.

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