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Applying Islam For Better Education

Islam is the biggest religion in the world they have millions of followers. Islam has the most inventioners who chage the world. They invention of islam for instance in Science made in the Muslim WorldHydrochloric, Nitric, Acetic, Citric, Sulfuric acid substances discovered. Many say Chemistry was fathered by the Muslims.Processes of distillation and crystallization discovered. The flywheel creating kinetic energy was invented, the suction pump invented, the valve and the reciprocating piston engine was formed in the 13th century. This was crucial for the modern day engines. Segmental gears in an engine were invented.The concept of the steam turbine advanced. Essential for steam trains, steam boats, and all generators powered by steam turbines. Advances in medicine made in the Muslim World The first hospital in Cairo 872CE• The first insane care center (mental hospital). Identification of smallpox Allergies identified Developing theconcept of the pharmacy Eye disease operations introduced Over 200 surgical tools introduced for instanceThe first toothbrush used from a tooth cleaning substance called meswak. Plastic surgery introduced in the 10th century by doctor Al-Zahrawi, who alsocreated the marking , The invention ofsoap and many cosmetics for hygiene, as being clean is necessary for Muslims. All those things make islam become popular and the strongest religion on that period. Islam became good Examplary for everyone But it just past years century before, now islam almost nothing have to do for the invention. lslam now best known no longer as a inventioner but as a rude, fool and even terrorist religion by the act of mulsims theirself. That’s make islam become less development than any other religion for this time. I wonder why islam now is more offensive than before islam is not anymore friendly but more crude. Many victim tragedy did by muslim. Robbery as well. Otherwise Islam feels like has already lost their personality. They forget that islam not only teach us to prayer five times daily, fasting, and zakat but also teach us how to be friendly with the oter people, religions,and any other tribes. Islam actually has five pillars and six articles. The five pillars are : 1. Shahadah( the testimony) I testify that there is no God but Allah and testify that Muhammad is the messenger of Allah 2. Salat(prayer) Like what I said before it performs five daily prayer Giving a money of certain one’s wealth for the poor and needy 3. Sawm Fasting is refraining fromm all intake food and liquid 4. Hajj Hajj is the pilgrimage to Makkah that evry muslim must perform once on his or her life time. And the six articles are 1. Believe in Allah (the one true God) 2. Believe in Allah’s Angels 3. Believe’s in Quranlike what I had been read from my teacher 4. Belief in Allah’s messengers and prophet 5. Belief in the last day. The dayof judgement nd accountability 6. Beliefe in qadha and Qadhar (destiny) From the pillars and articles above It is clear that Islam never want to do something bad to the others. being Islam is just need to worship to Allah SWT not to terror the other people and even a country I wonder with my brother who believe in islam and who always praying to Allah usually hurt the other people,angry,kill, her brother and even bombs their brother. I wonder about it and become realize that something is happen with my religion Muslim become more offensive than usual even we are brother. Like what Quran said that as a Muslim we are all brother no matter we are having a good knowledge or not,short or high, and poor or rich. We are muslim forget that we are not only thought to worship to Allah by praying like salat and reading Quran but also to love one another with our brother. Not only that islam teach avery part of our life, in the street, in the office, in the foodcourt, in the school etc we all forget that islam is a part of them. we separare islam with our daily life We pray five times a day but in the street we five times more always disturb our brothers than others, in the office we corrupt the money, in the school we are lazy to study etc. that’s totally wrong understanding about Islam. Let see what happen about the wrong misunderstanding that our own religion islam make. like wha I Explain above In many world islam best known as a rude religion they thought like that because muslim always attack the other country by using bombs, so the neagtive effects appears for the Islam religion by the Europe for instance in dutch more bad people and murder did by Islam We still remember about the tragedy the seventh September I the United States 2002 did by Muslim. Every body know about it the tragedy that made many muslim in America lost their right to live safety. And Even Many Muslims rejoiced when terrorists struck New York City on September 11, 2001. A disturbingly large number of Muslims rejoiced at the news of 9/11. Men handing out free food and making the victory sign, women dancing and howling, children laughing, while the west angrily watched them in horrified disbelief. According to Abul Kasem, a former Muslim and author of hundreds of articles and several books on Islam, Islamic terrorism is inspired by the sources of Islam: the Qur'an verses, ahadith sira and sharia that justify or encourage attacks on non-Muslims or those who may not be regarded as pious. But many Muslims state that that is not true and argue that the references have taken the quotation out of context. These ayahs are only for the situation when non-believers attack the Muslims' life; and only to protect themselves. Robert Pape, has argued that at least terrorists utilizing suicide attacks — a particularly effective form of terrorist attack—are driven not by Islamism but by "a clear strategic objective: to compel modern democracies to withdraw military forces from the territory that the terrorists view as their homeland." And how to fix it and make the world understand about Islam that really beautiful and lovely to the people?? The answer is in our heart.ask to our heart what happen with us? Why we really o while offensive to the other people,religion, and tribe while our prophet Muhammad never teach us to be rough.war is the last way to do if nothing else we can do to survive islam. We don’t need to strike the people who always hate Islam and insult Islam we just need to understand that they have the wrong perception about Islam. No need to do the badness to react the badness but do the goodness.Islam is beautiful that must people understand about Islam. So let us start performing islam prayer Islam not only in the mosque but also in every side in our life as the main source to do something. When we want to go out let us remember that we are Muslim let prove to the world that islam is friendly with the others and never loves to hurt the others, when we drive a car or motorcycle let us drive in islam way, when we work in the office let us work in islam thought, we are in another country let’s act as a Muslim that cares to the people that loves them smile for thosewhi hate you give islam in every work you do nd islam will smile to you. In Islam, blacks and whites are just brothers and sisters in the same human race. We are all from the same father , Adam, who created from dust. Thus we are all from earth and we will go back to the earth again and turn to dust again. So why do some people feel or act with arrogance or false pride towards others? No need to worry about they who dislike islam because they just do not understand ,about you and me about us and about Islam. Be friendly with the other religion respect for their religion. We don’t need to worry that Islam will be lost because our God keep it. Islam is the true religion of Adam and Eve and their Children till the end of this world. It is simple , logical, clear, practical and comprehensive. Islam teach us to be just, wise, sincere, honest, objective, and open minded in our search for the truth and when dealing with or judging others. Islm is our religion performit in everyday in our life it is not enough just to pray in the mosque but explore Islam to the people through lovely and friendly way insya Allah it verywill make islam better than before. Performs islam through our daily life so everybody will understand about us and make our life hasilnya tulisan gue


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